POTENTIAL REDUCED-RISK TOBACCO PRODUCTS Press Release Latest report by LSRO identifies available exposure assessment methods
for evaluating potential reduced-risk tobacco products
BETHESDA, MD - (April 3, 2008) - Cigarette smoking causes lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cardiovascular disease, and a host of other diseases. For this reason, non-smokers have been advised to never start smoking and smokers to quit smoking. Since less than 3 percent of smokers who try to quit smoking annually successfully quit, some tobacco companies have developed new cigarette and cigarette-like products intended to reduce exposure to tobacco smoke constituents and lower the health risks associated with cigarette smoking. However, no framework exists to comprehensively assess exposures to cigarette smoke constituents resulting from use of these potential reduced-risk tobacco products (PRRTPs).
New Report Issued by LSRO
The current report, Exposure Assessment in the Evaluation of Potential Reduced-Risk Tobacco Products, is the third and final report developed by a team of independent scientists and physicians affiliated with the Life Sciences Research Office (LSRO;http://www.LSRO.org). Produced under a contract between Philip Morris USA, Inc. and LSRO, this report identifies and evaluates methods that can be used to measure the exposures arising from use of cigarettes and PRRTPs.
Key Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations

Primary Consideration in Assessments of PRRTPs
According to LSRO's Executive Director Michael Falk, “Preclinical studies and postmarketing population assessment studies are necessary to comprehensively assess the public health consequences of PRRTPs.” Falk continued, saying “Both short-term and long-term studies should be conducted to assess the overall impact of the PRRTP on the smoking population.”
For nearly half a century, the Life Sciences Research Office (LSRO) has provided expert, objective scientific opinions and evaluations to governmental agencies and leading corporations in the food, health and bioscience sectors. A non-profit organization originally established in 1962, LSRO provides independent science-based analysis and advice that has proven integral to the development of sound policies and regulations on the national and international level.
This study will be of interest to academic, government and industry researchers; tobacco control and public health organizations; agencies with regulatory oversight of tobacco products, such as the Federal Trade Commission; and individuals involved in the development of legislation providing regulatory authority over tobacco products, public health organizations and their staff. The report will also be of interest to current smokers.
NOTE TO EDITORS: For further information about this study please contact Michael Falk at (301.634.7030 or FalkM@LSRO.org). A copy of the report is available to the media. A free copy of the executive summary is also available from this website. Purchase this report at the LSRO Bookstore.